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Aspic with chicken ......................... 9.99 lb


Stewed cabbage ........................... 7.99 lb


Stuffed peppers ............................. 9.99 lb


Farmer lard .................................. 22.99 lb


Chicken liver pate ........................ 11.99 lb


Baked eggplant with garlic ............ 8.99 lb


Salmon slightly salted ................. 18.99 lb

Baked Salmon.............................. 24.99 lb


Salmon baked with spinach and

cheese in puff pastry ................... 15.99 lb

Boiled beef tongue ...................... 19.99 lb


Liver cake .................................... 11.99 lb


Pickled cabbage ............................ 5.99 lb


Eggplant roll w. cheese & garlic .. 10.99 lb

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